(As advised by EHO, Fife Council)
Regulation EC 852/2004 on the hygiene of foodstuff:
Mobile vendors must have in place arrangements for maintaining and monitoring food temperatures. This requires them to ensure that high risk food, e.g., meat, dairy, fish etc is kept chilled, either in refrigerated storage or kept on ice packs during display. This is especially important during the summer months. When it is warm, produce on display should be kept to a minimum and the majority kept in the chilled cool boxes in the back up areas. The temperature of the food should be ideally between 1-5 degrees C, maximum 8 degrees C. Temperature checks of the chilled food should be taken hourly and recorded on the records they should bring to the market with them.
Any vendor handling open/loose food must have readily available access, (on their stalls), to hand wash facilities with a supply of hot and cold or mixed running water, with soap and hand drying facilities.
In terms of the EU Information for Consumers Regulations 1169/2011, see requirements for vendors selling Prepacked for Direct Sale food, (PPDS).
Food being sold loose does not need to be labelled however allergen information and other info on that food must be readily available on request.
When the allergen information is not given up front, vendors must have a sign at the customer area stating where allergen information can be found, e.g. FOR INFORMATION ON ALLERGENS PLEASE ASK A MEMBER OF STAFF
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